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Centralia 2050 chapter 7 page 7

6 thoughts on “Ch 7 Page 7

  1. The “Archive” page seems to be missing the most recent pages here

    1. All fixed. Thanks for the head’s up.
      It’s unfortunately a manual process to add things to the archive, so sometimes I forget to update it when things get busy. ^^;

  2. Poor Midori! I’m glad that she at least she doesn’t have to be alone.

  3. This was a wonderful page to read. I find it sweet that Midori went right for the one person she feels safe with. Like a little sister who just wants her big brother close by so she can feel safe in the night.

    -William Darby

    1. Thank you!! I’m so glad it could resonate (´・ᴗ・ ` )

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Ch 7 Page 7


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WE DID IT! Thanks to the support of 54 backers, Centralia 2050’s print run is 186% funded! Thank you SO much to all who pledged, liked, and/or shared the Kickstarter around. It’s because of your support that indie comics like Centralia are able to thrive. I’m blown away by the support the comic has received over the last 2 years. It truly keeps me going even when things get tough– and making comics can be very tough! So to all who support Centralia, you have my greatest thanks. I’ll keep working hard to ensure I can put out a great story for everyone.