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2 thoughts on “Ch 7 Page 13

  1. Midori might not want to face up to what happened, but people need to know what happened.

  2. You can do it, Midori!!

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Ch 7 Page 13


All eyes fall on Midori.

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Welcome to Centralia!

The first chapter of Centralia is here!! Aw yeah! Huge thanks to my partner Matt for working with me to figure out this website thingy. I can draw and make graphics but I kind of go cross-eyed at HTML and CSS. This comic has been in the works for about 7 years now, through all sorts of vastly different iterations and ideas. I hope you guys will enjoy the culmination of countless hours of head-banging paper crumpling and pencil-snapping lovingly-crafted story! :u And thank you to those who’ve support me through the process and via my Patreon!