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Centralia 2050 chapter 7 page 6

4 thoughts on “Ch 7 Page 6

  1. Yay, welcome back!
    Sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough time.
    Just take it easy and we’ll be here for whatever schedule you can make.

    1. Thank you Damoinion, I’m happy to be back and making pages!!

  2. Centralia is back!! And it looks like Midori is having a nightmare.

  3. The emotional whiplash I got from happiness at a new page and then reading the page and being heartbroken all over again ;-; I hope that somehow, against the odds, Forrest is okay.

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Ch 7 Page 6


Midori finds herself back in a familiar place, much too soon.

(I'm so happy to be back to making new pages!)

Also psst, hey, be sure to check out the Centralia Discord!

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