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Ch 2 Page 20

Page 20 is here! Enjoy some slummy scenery <3

4 thoughts on “Ch 2 Page 20

  1. I’ve been checking out other Hiveworks applicants and your comic is my favorite of what I’ve seen, I just finished reading through the archive and it’s a fun and engaging read! It managed to pull me in even though it’s a genre I don’t usually gravitate towards. Good luck with your pitch, I look forward to more updates :D!

    1. Thank you SO MUCH! That means so much to me as I work on finishing up the pitch. I’m so happy you’re enjoying the comic so far and I hope you’ll enjoy the coming updates too!

  2. My word… your SCENES. These BACKGROUNDS, the PERSPECTIVE… they are flipping amazing. I keep pausing just to study them and saving them to my reference folder. Wonderful, wonderful job!

    1. Aa thank you so much! <3 I'm really happy you like them!!

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