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Ch 3 Page 8

Someday Midori will get to commit assault. Someday. Just not today.

9 thoughts on “Ch 3 Page 8

  1. I think the security-bots would have a different view of whether she has committed assault yet or not. 🙂

    1. True… let’s hope she thoroughly destroyed the evidence : x

  2. Paraphrasing: There’s a battle ahead, many battles are lost, but you’ll never see the end of the road while you’re traveling with Midori. ;-}}

    Nobody can win all the time (unless they’re a ‘Mary Sue’), but if Midori goes down, she’s going down fighting. I’m starting to really like her.

    1. Awesome, I’m glad you like her!
      It’s true, she’ll put up a fight til the end– even if it’s not always the ideal approach… >u>;

  3. It would have been totally justified to punch him in the mouth.

    1. Agreed D:

      Though… Centralia police would probably have a different stance.

  4. Battery. It’s battery when you hit someone.

  5. “Someday Midori will get to commit assault.
    Just not today.”

    This made me laugh and I wanted you to know. XD

    1. Hahaha, I do my best! |D

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