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Ch 5 Page 25

Grey... doesn't need to worry about it. Enjoy the update? Show the love via Ko-Fi!

9 thoughts on “Ch 5 Page 25

  1. Aaand super-fast healing, also. Was whoever it was that genemodded her trying to see how many mods they could squeeze in? ^^

    1. Perhaps like some kind of gen-mod buffet? D:

  2. Healed perfectly. Not even a scar o.O

    1. Good as new and ready for more kicking and stomping! This is great, right?

      1. Absolutely!

  3. plot twist it’s not her gen mod those are just some pretty good bandages

    1. Dang, I need some bandages of the future XD

  4. No No Midori!! There is no need for secrets why not just tell him?

  5. Seems like she has a healing factor. At the security her leg was sliced open; I’m pretty sure I saw the bone. Even without the artery being severed, it should’ve been bleeding like a motherbleeper.

    It didn’t look too bad back at the base and now less than 24 hours later it’s all pretty much healed up with no scarring?

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