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Ch 4 Page 29

Nervous? PS- It's my birthday! 🎉 and Centralia turned 3 in April! If you enjoy Centralia, I'd love if you'd share it with your friends or send some love today via Ko-Fi! 💓💓💓

16 thoughts on “Ch 4 Page 29

  1. Hey, wait! Midori has a pacemaker? O.o

    Happy birthday to the Comic Creator and her Creation. I’m pretty fond of both of you. 🙂

    1. Let’s hope not…! And thank you!

  2. That is what my anxiety attacks look like -.-
    Happy Birthday Michelle 🙂

    1. I can relate to that…

      Thank you!

  3. Happy Birthday and hopefully some great time 🙂

    And poor Midori, it sounded all so exciting, but doing it is a whole other story…

    1. She’s definitely in over her head at this point :’>

      And thank you so much!!

  4. Happy birthday!

    Oh dear, Midori…

  5. Belated Happy Birthday! May you continue to grow and prosper in the years to come.

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