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Ch 4 Page 26

Time to put those stealth skills to use. Like this page? Buy me a coffee! ☕

12 thoughts on “Ch 4 Page 26

  1. The Ko-Fi link does not work.

    1. Fixed, thank you for pointing that out!

  2. Great, bought you a few coffees!

    1. Thank you so much Fred!! It’s greatly appreciated!

  3. I love how comic gutters in the vent transcend into lamps
    btw Midori is pretty flexible for turning around in that vent

    1. Glad you like that! Haha, a bit of a gymnast, that one.

    2. Heck, I could do that! Sort-of…
      See, you don’t actually have to turn IN the vent. Open the grate, then go past so you can back up with your legs hanging down. Then you only have to get your upper torso turned around to be in the position shown.
      What I find interesting is the grate in the far wall of the last panel. She just came in through one air vent, so it looks like there are two vent systems in the building. Curious, indeed!

  4. “Quiet as a cat.” Which,if you’ve ever heard a cat walk across a floor, should give you some concern. 🙂

    Great lighting effects, as usual. Oh, and while I’m thinking of it, the new banner on the Voting Gateway page is gorgeous. 🙂

    1. Let’s hope she’s at least more quiet than my cat >>

      And thanks so much!

  5. Looks like that insulation they put in TOMO is working 🙂

  6. Nice layout on this page!

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