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Ch 5 Page 28

Maybe Midori's learned not to throw fists when confronted, but Grey's not ready to risk finding out. Enjoy the update? Show the love via Ko-Fi!

10 thoughts on “Ch 5 Page 28

  1. Mr. Snarkypants had best heed the old adage, “A closed mouth gathers no fist.”

    (Good to see a new post–thanks. ^^ I have a pretty good idea what it cost you)

    1. Thanks so much for waiting as I got the new page up! These train scenes have been a doozy :’)

  2. “genny”? I suppose if you’ve found a new target for bigotry you would need a new pejorative for the targets.

    The immediate problem though is that they’re drawing attention… just what they don’t want. Midori is good at some things (probably including several we don’t yet know about), but ‘not drawing attention’ isn’t one of them. Maybe ‘healing really quickly’ was added as compensation for ‘tends to draw attention’? Nah, that’s too simple.

    It would be easier if there was a fad for young people to dye their hair weird colors. 😉 Probably a case of ‘Eww! My grandmother used to do that!’ Hmm, maybe I could dye my beard and tell people I was cosplaying as Midori’s grandfather?

    1. I think there’d be a lot of mixups between gen-mods and people with eccentric dyed hair or contact lenses. Maybe somatic gene-editing that could allow regular folks to permanently change their appearance, say if you really love your hot pink hair and you’re tired of buying dye, hahaha

      But yeah, Midori can’t seem to let a challenge go unanswered. Let’s hope Grey can salvage the situation…

  3. This page (along with the last) sort of hits home for me. Things in Canada aren’t exactly what someone would call hospitable right now.

    1. Yikes, I’m sorry to hear that. :[ It’s certainly been the case in the U.S. as well, as I’m sure you know.

    2. I’ve stopped paying attention to the media in regards to our political leaders for the moment. It does nothing but leave me feeling angry, and I just end up wasting time and energy thinking about it. Instead, I just need to appreciate the good things that are going on in my life right now. Try not to let that stuff get me down, you know?

      1. I’m the same way when it comes to politics. I have never seen the parties so polarized in all my life then they are right now thanks to the “president”. Best to just put in your vote and ignore the rest. And its good you look to the positive stuff, it really helps.

        1. Hey Howard, thanks for the reply, and also, thank you Michelle, for your reply earlier this month. Politics is… never a pretty topic to discuss with anyone, and I don’t really want to get into it here because I don’t feel like this is the appropriate place for that. What I mean is that this is Michelle’s webcomic, and therefore, this is also her RSS feed. I should be enjoying her posts with the rest of you, instead of spewing my political invective. For that, I apologize for starting it here. Howard, you are right – I should be looking at the positive things in life, and I try to do just that. I also encourage the rest of you to do the same. Life is not easy to navigate, but it does have its moments. This webcomic is one of the things that I truly enjoy and that I look forward to. I appreciate that its here, and I appreciate that Michelle has given all of us the ability to discuss it and openly share our thoughts about it with each other.

  4. What software do you use for these comments? I’ve seen the style in a couple other places.

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