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Ch 6 Page 25

author Relax, Midori. It's just a joke.

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3 thoughts on “Ch 6 Page 25

  1. Hmmm. What name is Weiss listed under? I’m pretty sure that the names are listed alphabetically by surname, then given name. Unfortunately, since Midori doesn’t remember hers, they’d literally have to read the whoooole list to identify her. Oh, and N/A probably means “information not available”. There seem to be three status classifications: “Active”, “N/A”, and “Inert”. O.O

    1. My guess is that Lumico has been closely monitoring the status of every person registered as a Gen-Mod in Centralia, and that they’ve been doing it for quite some time now. Having an “Active” status might mean that person is currently active, living somewhere in Centralia, and that Lumico is monitoring them closely in order to see if their modifications develop into anything they can use. Inactive, I think speaks for itself – that person is either no longer living, or, they’re no longer active in Centralia. Having an “N/A” status might mean that Lumico doesn’t see any value in that person’s genetic modifications, and so they’re leaving those particular Gen-Mods alone for now. I only say that since both Grey and Lor don’t have any super human abilities like Midori, so they’re simply not important to Lumico at this time. Lastly, I don’t think Midori is going on any list because I think whoever created her didn’t register as a Gen-Mod, so she’s just floating in the system like a ghost.

      1. EDIT: Lastly, I don’t think Midori is going to be on any list because I think whoever modified her didn’t register her as a Gen-Mod, so she’s just floating in the system; invisible, like a ghost

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