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Centralia 2050 chapter 7 page 7

Ch 7 Page 7


Just a dream... though reality isn't much easier.

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6 thoughts on “Ch 7 Page 7

  1. The “Archive” page seems to be missing the most recent pages here

    1. All fixed. Thanks for the head’s up.
      It’s unfortunately a manual process to add things to the archive, so sometimes I forget to update it when things get busy. ^^;

  2. Poor Midori! I’m glad that she at least she doesn’t have to be alone.

  3. This was a wonderful page to read. I find it sweet that Midori went right for the one person she feels safe with. Like a little sister who just wants her big brother close by so she can feel safe in the night.

    -William Darby

    1. Thank you!! I’m so glad it could resonate (´・ᴗ・ ` )

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