Centralia 2050
Your style improved here! I see it’s from 2 year ago.. I understand his bitter personality now. She is a blessing to him but he seems to have a good heart <3 Really nice job with hands you did here.
Yes! Haha, quite a difference between this page and the latest ones. I hope to always be improving. :>
And yeah, Grey has a good heart… just not great about showing it.
2 thoughts on “Ch 2 Page 12”
Your style improved here! I see it’s from 2 year ago.. I understand his bitter personality now. She is a blessing to him but he seems to have a good heart <3 Really nice job with hands you did here.
Yes! Haha, quite a difference between this page and the latest ones. I hope to always be improving. :>
And yeah, Grey has a good heart… just not great about showing it.